Off Beat Enterprises embarked on a creative collaboration for Incendium LLC. with the hip-hop group Flatbush Zombies, facing the challenge of helping the group expand and evolve their brand and creative presence in way of Action Figures. Flatbush Zombies, known for their distinctive sound and distinctive visuals, sought to connect with their existing fan base while reaching out to new audiences.
SOLUTION: Off Beat Enterprises's solution involved leveraging Flatbush Zombies' unique artistic identity to craft a compelling and immersive brand experience. The collaboration encompassed various facets:
Merchandise and Collectibles: Developing a range of collectibles. These were unique items that reflect the group's distinctive style, and commemorate the five year anniversary of their Debut Album.
Content Creation: Creating fresh and engaging style of art which align with the group's creative vision and resonate with their fan base.
Community Engagement: Nurturing a vibrant and active community around Flatbush Zombies' brand, utilizing social media and events to foster engagement and discussion.
Brand Expansion: Exploring new opportunities and partnerships to expand the group's reach and influence, including cross-media collaborations and more.
RESULTS: The collaboration between Incendium and Flatbush Zombies in 2021 proved to be a success, albeit delayed due to manufacture issues due to the pandemic. That aside the range turned out great, and became true collector items. The introduction of unique merchandise and collectibles allowed fans to connect with the group in tangible ways. New content and experiences resonated with audiences, solidifying the group's position in the music industry.
Off Beat Enterprises's dedicated team, with diverse skills and expertise, worked closely with Flatbush Zombies to bring this project to fruition. We collaborated to provide creative direction, content creation, community engagement, and brand expansion to breathe new life into Flatbush Zombies' brand.