Hey All,
As we hit the ground running in 2024 I wanted to discuss some of the new stuff I’m working on. One of those is working with Parker Jordan Publishing, a fine art publishing company that has all sorts of bells and whistles. With 30 plus years of experience in Art, Design, Manufacturing & Sales Parker Jordan Fine Art has a lot to offer any company that is interested in building their core business. Their main objective is to allow our customers to do what they do best while we undertake everything else for them.
Ruben, the owner, and I have been working together off and on for the last twelve years. From professional framing projects in framing to loads of personal items in my apartment as well. He even framed the art print we had on display at the signing table at my wedding! He has a wealth of knowledge in this sector, and what better way to expand than into fine art publishing! The company has been around for a few years now, and they asked if I could come and print with them, which was both exciting and terrifying as I’ve been out of direct printing for about ten years now. I’ve stayed, as you all have seen, in the sector but in a supervisory and director role.
From framing to purchasing from purchasing to fulfillment to our custom crates built here on our premises, Parker Jordan Fine Art is your one stop for all your framing and fulfillment needs.
For the publishing side, take a look at the website I recently updated at Parker Jordan Publishing, or on social media at @parkerjordan on Instagram and on Facebook! I’m working with the team and artists here to consult on creative, gallery sales, and you guessed it - I’m Printing again! So back with some production management, scanning, color correcting and all that fun stuff. So if you have a project reach out to me at printing @ parkerjordanpublishing. com! I’ll post some fun images from around the place soon.